Multithreading in C

We can create multiple threads in our C program to execute multiple tasks in parallel. It helps to utilize the CPU resources efficiently. Even though core C programming does not support multithreading, at least until C11 standard, it has a lot of library support for that purpose. POSIX thread or pthread is one of the … Continue reading “Multithreading in C”


Let’s first understand few related terminologies before understanding multithreading. Program Program or computer program can be viewed as a set of instructions. We generally write programs in high level languages like C or C++. The computer processors can not execute these programs directly. We compile and link them into a binary equivalent that the processors … Continue reading “Multithreading”

C++ Object Oriented Programming

Have you ever wondered how programming languages bridge the gap between your ideas and real-world applications? C++ has been a cornerstone in the software development world since its creation. Designed by Bjarne Stroustrup in the 1980s, this versatile, high-performance language has shaped modern programming paradigms with its powerful support for Object-Oriented Programming (OOP). Whether you’re … Continue reading “C++ Object Oriented Programming”

Encapsulation in C++

One of the main objectives of Object Oriented Programming is to keep related things together. Encapsulation in C++ is about to bind the data and the functions that operate on them into a single entity called class. In traditional procedural programming like C, the data and functions are sort of independent. Code manageability can increase … Continue reading “Encapsulation in C++”

Abstraction in C++

Abstraction is a design concept of hiding data or implementation wherever possible and expose the essential parts only. Data hiding helps to prevent potential misuse and accidental change of data. Implementation hiding helps refactoring code by doing localized changes. In C++, the data and implementations are kept hidden as much as possible within the classes. … Continue reading “Abstraction in C++”