C Program to Check Whether Two String are Equal

Here we’ll see how to check whether two strings are equal. C string (string.h) library already provides a function to do that. Using strcmp() Take two strings as input (say, s1 and s2). Call strcmp() with two input strings. If strcmp() returns 0, the strings are equal, otherwise, not. Here is the output of the … Continue reading “C Program to Check Whether Two String are Equal”

Delete N-th Node from End of a Linked List

In the previous article, we saw how to delete the N-th node of a linked list from the beginning of the list. Here we’ll see how to delete N-th node from the end. N starts with 0. Deleting 0-th node from end means deleting the last node. Logic to Delete the N-th Node from End … Continue reading “Delete N-th Node from End of a Linked List”

Delete N-th Node of a Linked List

Here we’ll see how to delete a node specified by its position (N-th node) from a linked list. N starts with 0. If N is 0, then delete the head node, if 1 then the second node and so on. Logic to Delete N-th Node from Linked List If head points to NULL, return. The … Continue reading “Delete N-th Node of a Linked List”

Execute User Defined Function before Main() in C++

In the previous article, we saw how to execute user defined function before main() in C. In C++ also we can use same mechanism to execute function before main. Here we’ll explore other options in C++. Execute Function before Main() By Creating Global Object Define a class. Call an user defined function from the class … Continue reading “Execute User Defined Function before Main() in C++”

Execute User Defined Function Before Main() in C

We know that the main() function is the entry point of a program. This is generally true. But we can execute some functions even before main() starts. In some circumstances, you might need to execute an user defined function before main(). For example, if you are creating a library, you might need to initialize certain … Continue reading “Execute User Defined Function Before Main() in C”