ARP stands for Address Resolution Protocol. It is used by the Internet Protocol (IP) to map IP network addresses (32 bit Logical Address) to the hardware addresses (48 bit Mac Address) used by a data link protocol. The protocol works below the network layer as a part of the interface between the OSI network and OSI link … Continue reading “What is ARP and How does it work?”
Author: Srikanta
How to Download Album from Facebook
You can download all pictures from a Facebook album in a single go. You need to have the viewing permission of that album. This can be done using chrome browser at this moment. Follow these steps. 1. Download and install the PhotoLive chrome extension. Download PhotoLive Chrome extension . 2. Navigate to a Facebook album you … Continue reading “How to Download Album from Facebook”
How to install Ping or Ping6 using YUM
yum install iputils Ping is a network administration utility tool to check reachability of network node (computer or router) from a computer where the command runs. It also gives the round trip time required for a network packet to travel from the source to destination and back. Network administrators use this utility almost every day. … Continue reading “How to install Ping or Ping6 using YUM”
How does Traceroute Work?
The network administrators use the tranceroute command very frequently to discover the path between two network nodes. Where the tranceroute command is running is the source node and destination node is specified in the command. traceroute Destination can be IP address or domain name e.g. After successful run, the command lists down all intermediate … Continue reading “How does Traceroute Work?”
Where to Use Call by Reference in C
If you compare two parameter passing mechanisms, Call by Value and Call by Reference, in C programming language, Call by Value is much simpler in syntax and easy to understand. Then why should we use Call by Reference? Here we will try figure out what we can do with Call by Reference but can not do … Continue reading “Where to Use Call by Reference in C”