C Program to Sort Linked List without Allocating Extra Memory

We’ll first create a linked list which is not sorted, then we’ll re-arrange the list such that the list becomes sorted. Logic is simple, we’ll iterate the list for all nodes, in every iteration we’ll take the first node out of the original list and insert that node into a new list. At any point … Continue reading “C Program to Sort Linked List without Allocating Extra Memory”

Insert an Element in a Sorted Linked List

Inserting in a sorted linked list means that the linked list will remain sorted after the insertion. So to insert a new element, we need to find out the appropriate place and insert the new node there. Logic to Insert an Element in a Sorted Linked List If head points to NULL or the new … Continue reading “Insert an Element in a Sorted Linked List”

How to Delete a Node from Singly Linked List?

Here we’ll see how to write C program to delete a node from singly linked list. In this example, the node to be deleted will be identified by the value of the node. Logic to Delete a Node from Singly Linked List If the first node (where the head points to) matches with the value to be deleted. … Continue reading “How to Delete a Node from Singly Linked List?”

C Program to Insert a Node in a Linked List

Inserting a node is one of the the most fundamental linked list operations. We need to insert new nodes to create a linked list in the very first place. Here we’ll see how to write C program to insert a new node into a linked list at all four possible positions: Let’s start with the … Continue reading “C Program to Insert a Node in a Linked List”