Virtual Functions and vtable in C++

C++ is a powerful, object-oriented programming language that supports dynamic polymorphism through virtual functions. Virtual functions allow derived classes to override functions of base classes, ensuring the correct function is called for an object, regardless of the reference type used. This mechanism is powered by vtable (virtual table), an internal data structure used to resolve function calls at runtime.

Understanding virtual functions and vtable is crucial for writing efficient, maintainable, and polymorphic C++ applications. In this article, we will explore the concept of virtual functions, the mechanics of vtable, their performance implications, and best practices.

What are Virtual Functions?

Virtual functions are member functions of a base class that can be overridden in a derived class. They enable runtime polymorphism, allowing derived class objects to be accessed via base class pointers or references while still invoking the correct overridden function.

Declaring a Virtual Function

A virtual function is declared using the virtual keyword in the base class. Here’s an example:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Base {
    virtual void show() {  // Virtual function
        cout << "Base class show()" << endl;

class Derived : public Base {
    void show() override {  // Overriding base class function
        cout << "Derived class show()" << endl;

int main() {
    Base* basePtr;
    Derived derivedObj;
    basePtr = &derivedObj;

    basePtr->show();  // Calls Derived’s show() due to dynamic binding
    return 0;


Derived class show()

Without the virtual keyword, the function call would be resolved statically (at compile-time), leading to incorrect behavior.

Understanding vtable and vptr

What is vtable?

A vtable (virtual table) is a mechanism used by the compiler to support dynamic polymorphism. It is a table of pointers to virtual functions of a class. Each class that has at least one virtual function gets a unique vtable.

What is vptr?

A vptr (virtual table pointer) is a hidden pointer maintained in each object of a class that has virtual functions. It points to the vtable of the class, enabling runtime function resolution.

How vtable Works

  1. When a class with virtual functions is compiled, the compiler generates a vtable for it.
  2. The vtable contains function pointers to the class’s virtual functions.
  3. Each object of the class contains a vptr that points to the class’s vtable.
  4. When a virtual function is called via a base class pointer, the vptr directs the call to the correct function in the vtable.

Example with vtable and vptr Visualization

Consider this modified version of the previous example:

class Base {
    virtual void show() { cout << "Base class show()" << endl; }
    virtual void display() { cout << "Base class display()" << endl; }

class Derived : public Base {
    void show() override { cout << "Derived class show()" << endl; }

vtable Representation:

vtable (Base)vtable (Derived)
show() -> Base::show()show() -> Derived::show()
display() -> Base::display()display() -> Base::display()

Each Derived object has a vptr pointing to Derived’s vtable, ensuring the overridden show() function is called while retaining Base’s display().

Performance Considerations

Using virtual functions introduces a level of indirection, which may impact performance. Here are some key points to consider:

  1. Function Call Overhead: A virtual function call requires an extra pointer dereference (to the vtable) compared to a normal function call.
  2. Memory Overhead: Additional storage is required for vtables and vptrs.
  3. Inlining Restriction: Virtual functions are not typically inlined by the compiler since their resolution occurs at runtime.
  4. Cache Performance: Indirect function calls can impact CPU branch prediction, potentially reducing efficiency.

Despite these costs, virtual functions are indispensable for achieving runtime polymorphism in large-scale applications.

Best Practices for Using Virtual Functions

  1. Use virtual functions only when necessary: If polymorphism is not required, avoid virtual functions to improve performance.
  2. Mark overridden functions with override: This prevents accidental errors due to incorrect function signatures.
  3. Declare destructors as virtual in base classes: This ensures proper cleanup of derived class objects when deleted via base class pointers.
class Base {
    virtual ~Base() {}  // Ensures correct destructor call for derived objects
  1. Prefer final keyword when no further overriding is needed:
class Derived final : public Base {  // Prevents further inheritance
  1. Use abstract base classes when appropriate: Mark pure virtual functions using = 0 to enforce implementation in derived classes.
class AbstractBase {
    virtual void show() = 0;  // Pure virtual function


Virtual functions and vtable are essential features of C++ that enable dynamic polymorphism. Understanding their inner workings helps developers write better object-oriented code while considering performance trade-offs. Proper use of virtual functions, along with best practices, ensures efficient and maintainable software design.

Mastering these concepts is key for anyone working with C++ in real-world applications, from system programming to game development and beyond.


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